Deadline: December 12, 2011
SA 25-50% Position Winter 2012
Provide support for Targeting Everett’s Health Disparities (TEHD) Training Grant: Project objectives are to: (1) Reduce health disparities in Snohomish County by increasing access to and quality of primary care services, with particular emphasis on expanding and strengthening geriatric, pediatric, and mental health services. (2) Expand undergraduate and graduate nursing education experiences, improving student knowledge and skill in providing culturally sensitive care for MU groups. (3) Establish consultative and advisory structures to guide expansion of clinic education and services, establishing financial stability and long term sustainability. (4) Recruit Snohomish County residents into nursing education programs.
Roles and Responsibilities of the SA include:- Assist with student clinical placements and project identification at PEHC, as needed.
- Attend a monthly grant/clinic meeting (in person or via phone).
- Assist with patient data collection.
- Must be Nursing Graduate Student in good standing.
- Have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Have excellent literature search skills and writing skills.
- Have the ability to work independently.