2012-2013 Academic Year
The Elizabeth Mullensky Nursing Scholarship is a one-time scholarship awarded to a qualified nursing student in memory of Elizabeth Mullensky, whose career in nursing spanned over 40 years. Elizabeth was a strong advocate of higher education for women.
Tuition Scholarship: Up to $3,000 for the 2012-2013 academic year
Eligibility: Any woman who has completed at least one full year of college, has resided in East Jefferson County for at least two years, and is pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited four-year college or university in the field of Nursing.
Selection Criteria:
For more information:
Mullensky Nursing Scholarship
c/o C. Bentley
4794 Bell St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368
360-379-0953 More information