Deadline: Friday, August 17, 2012
Teaching Assistant Position 25% FTE
Fall Quarter 2012
A Teaching Assistant is needed in the Department of Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems to provide support for NURS 301: Clinical Applications of Anatomy and Physiology (25% FTE). This course examines application of anatomic and physiologic concepts to selected clinical phenomena. Focuses on integrated responses and functional health patterns. Exemplars of developmental and lifespan factors are identified. Includes experiential activities to enhance integration of content. NURS 301 is held on Thursdays from 8:30-9:20a in T747 and Fridays from 10:30-1:20p in T747. Students must be available all Fridays from 10:30-2:30p since labs and some lectures alternate within this timeframe.
Roles and Responsibilities of the TA include:
- Assist with laboratory and lecture components of the course
- Assist in course administration, record keeping and evaluation of student performance, including grading problem sets
- Attend class.
- Introduce and thank guest lecturers