Friday, June 15, 2012

TA Position - NURS 304

Deadline: June 22, 2012 at 5:00pm

Teaching Assistant Position 25% FTE

Summer Quarter 2012

This course examines normal and pathophysiological responses to states of health and illness. It also examines internal and external defense systems, balance and regulation of body systems, and integration of these concepts in the assessment and management of patient problems. NURS 304 is held on Mondays from 1:10-3:20p and Thursdays from 8:00-9:40a in T639.

Roles and Responsibilities of the TA include:

  • Grading problem sets and other assignments
  • Taking answer sheets to upper campus for grading
  • Moodle website maintenance and support (posting of materials, etc)
  • Attend class and tutor students
  • Support technology applications for course
  • Run review sessions as needed

More information